Entity Setup

Entity Setup

(e.g., Sole Trader, Partnership, Company, Trust, Self Managed Superannuation Fund)

There are many instances where individuals and businesses may benefit from structuring their financial affairs through the establishment of a Company, Trust, or Self Managed Superannuation Fund. For example, companies allow assets to be better protected than if they are held in an individual’s name; trusts may give individuals flexibility around the distribution of profit; and self managed superannuation funds provide control over investment decisions. There are many other factors to consider before establishing any of these types of entities. Chris and the team can discuss these options with you to determine if any would be beneficial for your situation. If the answer is yes, we can establish these entities for you and help you understand the taxation and reporting requirements for each. Additionally, for clients who already have these types of entities, we can review whether they are continuing to be beneficial, winding them up if required.

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